Why we should do Kegal Exercises
Jan 21, 2018What are Kegal exercises?
Kegal exercises help to maintain a strong pelvic floor. This is helpful in preventing incontinence as we age or after childbirth. It will also help increase sexual responsiveness. We all should be doing them regularly but rarely do. (me included)
Why do we need to do them on a regular basis?
Like any muscle, our pelvic floor will get weak if we do not tone it on a regular basis. A daily couple of minutes spent on toning, will have an amazing effect. Do you really want to shop for Depends under normal circumstances? How many times have you coughed or laughed so hard you wet your pants a bit? We’ve all been there.
How do I find the pelvic floor muscles?
When we urinate, the pelvic floor muscles are capable of stopping our urine flow in mid-stream. If you try to do this a couple of times, you will find that you can do it on command at other times. We are using our internal Kegal muscles when we do this.
What exercises can be done?
- Keeping it simple, squeeze the pelvic floor and release for ten repetitions. Repeat.
- Squeeze the pelvic floor and try to hold for a count of five. Repeat five times.
Problems with pregnancy and aging.
With pregnancy, the weight of the expanding uterus puts pressure on the pelvic floor and weakens it. The process of giving birth naturally may also weaken the muscles and it is very common for new moms to feel a bit of leaking when running or after a hard sneeze.
Aging is a natural part of life, but unfortunately, muscle loss is one of the biggest issues. Fortunately, studies show there can be great improvement in muscle strength even into very advanced age. By incorporating just a minute or two to these under cared for muscles, we may be able to avert these aging related issues.
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