The Bread selection cheat sheet!
Jan 18, 2022
1. Look for 100% ingredients.
Here, you are looking to avoid refined flours. Usually, if a bread label shows 100% whole wheat, 100% whole grain, or 100% sprouted grain, you are doing well.
2. Wise up to marketing.
If you are like me, you get that nice warm and cozy feeling when you read "Country or "Harvest." Next thing you know, you are reaching for the country loaf bread. Be careful as many brands sneak in added sugars. Labels that say, "Made with whole grains" may have hidden refined flours.
3. What is the fiber content?
Try to buy bread with at least 2 grams of fiber per slice. Fiber promotes healthy digestion and keeps you feeling full longer.
4. What is the deal with "light" options?
Light bread may not necessarily be healthier. Please check the weight of the serving size as light bread is usually just sliced thinner.
5. Check sugar and sodium content.
Try to keep sugar below 2 to 3 grams per serving and 140 mg of sodium per slice. Savvy marketers may add molasses or caramel coloring to make breads appear more nutritious and healthy. I know I have been fooled.
Final thoughts:
I love a warm slice of semolina bread with some hearty soup in the winter. However, I no longer eat large amounts of bread at dinner or bagels on a regular basis. Carbohydrates are excellent for you, but as we age and menopause hits, we no longer digest large bowls of pasta easily and white flour becomes a serious source of inflammation and abdominal weight gain.
I choose to eat my complex carbohydrates in peas, sweet potatoes, quinoa or lentils. Again, the trio method philosophy is not extreme and I believe my lovely slice of semolina brings me joy. Do I eat Wonder Bread? Never! Don't even want to. But a slice of avocado toast is excellent for you and who doesn't love to lap up a delicious egg or sauce with a hearty slice.
Look for healthier options, don't go crazy with the amount, and sit and enjoy!
With love,
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