Common foods that can cause allergic reactions
Sep 20, 2020
There is so much talk today about foods that cause inflammation and/or allergic reactions in the body, It seems that allergies can appear at any time and go away as well. I was allergic to wheat and eggs as a baby and had no problem eating them after age 2. My son developed a lactose intolerance, yet had so enjoyed his daily gelato in Italy a few years back.
It is always best to see a licensed medical professional if you feel you are having a problem. They will offer you some strategies to determine how to move forward.
Below is the list of foods that have been considered as possible allergens. They are in many things so it is important to read labels. Some nutrition experts recommend avoiding them for a period of time in order to see how you feel, and then reintroducing them slowly back into your diet one at a time. If you start to feel like you have brain fog, are sluggish, or have any other negative reactions, you can avoid that one particular food. It is not easy but worth it, especially if you find that you have gastrointestinal issues, skin conditions, brain fog, or other signs of inflammation.
Common problematic foods:
1. Sugar. Sugar is even in ketchup so it is difficult to avoid. I suggest having it in its natural form.
2. Artificial sweeteners: I avoid entirely by looking for aspartame and saccharin on food labels. If I see it, I don't buy it
3. Gluten: This can really be a problem for people. There are a lot of alternatives on the market now. I love the Beet crackers and Sweet Potato crackers at Trader Joes. No gluten and delicious.
4. Dairy: I stick with the farm raised, no antibiotic, enriched versions but there are so many alternatives these days as well. Oat bran is popular as well as coconut milk. Almond milk is supposed to be very bad for the environment as it takes so much water to make. I don't mind the alternative yogurts. Sorbet is a great frozen treat if you don't care about the sugar.
5. Soy: I am not much of a soy eater so am not sure of alternatives that would work. Of course, monosodium glutamate is headache causing for many when having Chinese fast food.
6..Corn: This is another product that is used tremendously in our foods. You have to read the labels if this is your problem. Say goodbye to chips and make your own kale or sweet potato chips in the air-fryer. Morning cereals also can be a big NO!
7. Peanuts: I am terribly allergic so I know personally how deadly this is. Be careful with protein bars and other nutrition products. Peanuts are used often in them to make them more palatable.
8. Eggs: I see this allergy in school age children more than I used to. Birthday cakes and sleepover pancake breakfasts are often avoided. I stick with cage free eggs.
Of course, caffeine, food colorings, fermented foods, sugar alcohols, fructose, and additional foods can create problems as well. Everyone is different. Personally, I have avoided anything artificial for a long time. I may have an occasional Twizzler or bite of some other packaged product, but this is rare. Sugar alcohols can be in a lot of protein bars. I don't do diet soda and consider it terrible.
If you stick to mainly the outside aisles of the grocery store, where the food is created by Mother Nature, you should be just fine.
Buon appetite!
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